Common sources of electromagnetic interference include high-voltage power lines, high-voltage transmission stations, radar stations, cell phone base stations, broadcast towers, Wi-Fi hotspots, routers, Bluetooth devices, etc.ħ. Please pay attention to flight safety when flying near electromagnetic interference sources. Low ambient light may cause the vision system to not work properly. Do not fly in specular reflective areas such as water or snow to ensure proper operation of the visual positioning system, and fly in a well-lit environment when GNSS signals are weak. Do not take off on moving surfaces (e.g., moving cars, boats). Do not fly in an environment below -10° C (14° F) or above 40° C (104° F). Do not fly at altitudes above 6000 meters. Please do not fly in bad weather such as high wind (wind speeds 12m/s and above), snow, rain, lightning, fog, etc. At a GSD of 5 cm, with an 80% front overlap rate, a 60% side overlap rate, and a flight speed of 15 m/s.Ħ. Please pay attention to the DJI Pilot 2 App for return flight tips when actually flying.ĥ. Measured at 32.4 kph uniform speed at sea level in a windless environment. Otherwise, the camera sensor may be burned leading to permanent damage.ģ. DO NOT expose the thermal camera lenses to strong sources of energy such as the sun, lava, or a laser beam.