The maximum value of each attribute is 18, can be increased by the bonuses on race and culture, however. However, you can reduce the attributes to the minimum value of 3 (excluding bonuses) and then distribute all 57 points according to your desire. At first there are the six attributes of power, determination, dexterity, constitution, intelligence or perception at a value of 10, plus racial and cultural-related bonuses. Then you choose the skills / spell your character and determine its attributes. In Character Editor choice of class-specific features now follow in some classes (for example, the selection of the druid animal companion or the selection of the Order of Paladins and Priests). Pillars of Eternity - All categories at a glance A nature-god Similar receives a bonus to power, constitution and dexterity when his stamina drops below 50 percent. A fire-god Similarly, for example, cause a fire shell around his body, which increases the damage reduction and enemies in close combat inflicts damage. Godlike get a +1 bonus to agility and intelligence - to their sub-races include death god like, fire-godlike, Moon godlike and nature godlike, bring all the different special abilities with it.

Your sub-race breakdown is in coastal Amaua (better defense against "Down Beat" and "Numb") and island Amaua (receive an additional weapon set at game start). The blue-skinned Amaua for example, have a good physique and therefore get a +2 bonus on the attribute of power. The choice of race influences the attributes of the character, which in turn sub-race brings exclusive special abilities with it.

You can choose from six races that split into a number of sub-races. But more important are race, sub-race and class - they affect the attributes and abilities of your character is strongest. Even the choice of gender has an influence on some dialog options. Since Pillars of Eternity is based on an oriented Tabletops control system, there are plenty of taking into account values and attitudes that will later affect your game.

Before you start the game, you have to create you a character.